BLAC INC. manufactures new hot or cold wall slide valves for high temperature fluidized catalyst or solid particles services.
In addition to slide valves, other FCCU valves and general control and on-off valves are manufactured such as ball valves, butterfly valves, rising stem type control valves, lift and turn plug valves, gate valves and coker drum unheading valves along with the hydraulic control systems to operate the plant to the exact process needs.
BLAC INC. FCCU Cold Shell Catalyst Valve
BLAC INC. FCCU Cold Wall Flue Gas Valve
Slide Valves
Slide valves are provided to control the process of dense phase catalyst flow and for high temperature gas flow control with some entrained catalyst.
The term “slide valve” comes from Sliding Gate Valves. Slide gate valves are normally not used in general refinery services for control. However, in the case of slide valves for FCCU, the slide gate valve is utilized and functions well to control high temperature erosive service applications on the regenerated, spent, catalyst cooler, flue gas, Rx catalyst and catalyst withdrawal valves.
The internals of the slide valves are built with refractory lining and utilize hard surfacing metals such as Stellite overlay to protect the components and valve body from erosion. The catalyst is often very erosive (think of extreme sandblasting) inside the FCCU during operation, so protective designs are utilized to keep the valves in the required condition to maintain operation.
BLAC INC. FCCU Cold Shell Catalyst Valve
Cold Wall Slide Valves
Cold Wall slide valves have typically 125 mm (5″) of refractory that is both erosion resistant and provides thermal insulation from the high temperature process inside the valve. While the process temperature is much higher than carbon steel valve body can withstand, the insulating capability of the refractory allows the use of carbon steel for the valve body. Thus, the life span of the valve body is much extended over that of a hot wall, stainless steel body valve, and is lower cost while providing higher reliability.
Hot Wall Slide Valves
Hot Wall slide valves are generally used for replacement of valves installed in standpipes or flue gas lines that have hot wall construction. It is generally recommended to try to use Cold Wall technology if possible. Cold wall would gain lifespan and reliability over hot wall if your FCCU can be changed to accept a cold wall valve.
The hot wall valve design utilizes a design for erosion resistance with stainless steel hex mesh with refractory packed into it. This lining is provided on the valve body wall which provides erosion resistance and a slight reduction of temperature to the valve body. Generally speaking, hot wall valves are constructed from 1-1/4 Chrome, 5 Chrome or 304H Stainless Steel, and sometimes other materials of construction to handle the process operating temperatures.
Butterfly Valves
BLAC INC. engineers and manufactures critical service butterfly valves which operate in high temperature services where particulates are present.
The particulate laden, high temperature gas impacts the internal components of the valve, causing particle deposits as well as high velocity erosion. Available sizes are as needed by the applications, but generally are provided from 8” (200 mm) to 154” (3.911 m).
BLAC INC. butterfly valves are built to withstand the erosion that can occur with high velocity particles moving through a pipe.
The primary method of protection is to coat the internal exposed parts with a spray on weld or by automatic / manual welding process of a hard surfacing compound like Stellite #1 or Colmonoy #6.
For Expander Turbine Inlet valves, the design is supplied with bare steel surfaces inside the valve. For Expander Turbine Bypass, Boiler Isolation or Bypass, butterfly valves are supplied with refractory lining. Stellite is used to control the erosion from flowing gas entrained catalyst particles.
Electro-hydraulic or Electric actuators are provided for these butterfly valves.
BLAC INC. Installed FCCU Butterfly Valve with Actuator
Hot Wall Construction Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves of hot wall construction are built with no refractory lining for services or with a hex mesh with refractory installed for a separate type of service application. These valves generally are built with a thru shaft where the disc is keyed or splined onto the shaft. The outboard end of the shaft is then keyed or splined to the actuator mechanism. In refinery FCCU services, the butterfly valves are asked to operate full stroke speeds of 0.3 to 1.0 seconds in most cases, with longer stroke times seldom supplied.
BLAC INC. provides the butterfly valves with electro-hydraulic actuator systems. These valve and actuator systems are designed for modulating and on-off operation with emergency trip functions as needed.
Cold Wall Construction Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves of cold wall construction are built with refractory lining as needed for the application. This refractory lining provides erosion resistance and provide insulation to the valve body. Valves with refractory lining need to be evaluated by BLAC INC. for the service requested to see if they are the appropriate technology to be utilized.
BLAC INC. provides the butterfly valves with electro-hydraulic actuator systems. These valve and actuator systems are designed for modulating and on-off operation with emergency trip functions as needed.
Expander Turbine Inlet Valve
The expander turbine function uses pressurized gas flow and expands the gas through the turbine to generate power that can be used in various ways. The typical expander turbine drives a motor generator in a RFCCU / FCCU process.
In other applications the expander turbine can drive an air blower that supplies air back into the RFCCU / FCCU process. In either case, the inlet butterfly valves perform a critical service to control and protect the turbine from misoperation.
Expander Inlet Butterfly Valve
Expander Turbine Bypass Valve
When the expander turbine is operating normally, flue gas flows to the machine and exits the machine at a much reduced pressure. When the turbine is not operating or a malfunction occurs, the expander turbine bypass valve permits the flow of gas coming from the regenerator to go around the turbine. This action is critical, is required to operate very quickly, and is the second action required for the safety of the process and for the turbine.
Plug Valves
BLAC INC. constructs plug valves for M.W. Kellogg (KBR) and for the Axens (Technip, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp) FCC unit processes. These plug valves are designed to provide the functionality and needed reliability for this difficult service application.
Plug valves are vertically mounted valve with a conical plug made of refractory on the top of the plug. This conical plug is fitted to a supplied standpipe seat ring. The valve is in a vessel such that the plug when raised to the ‘closed position’ will contact the mating seat ring, also made of refractory, and close off the flow of catalyst in the standpipe or riser section.
The function of these valves is to control the flow of catalyst as required by the process. The design of the conical plug is such that as the valve comes open, an increasing amount of catalyst flow in an exponential manner occurs, thus as the valve becomes further open, the more difficult the control of the flow is to be achieved accurately. With BLAC INC. hydraulic controls, this control capability is provided so that the operation of the FCCU is stable.
One feature of the plug valve is that the valve must be able to seat the plug into the seat ring without excessive force, and yet, also be able to move downward as the standpipe grows with increased temperature during startup. At the end of a run, the plug must be able to ‘follow the standpipe upward vertically’ as the standpipe cools.
These functions are provided in the BLAC INC. control system which provides thrust control to the plug valve and maintains the plug against the seat ring as the standpipe cools or heats up. Emergency trip function with thrust control is also provided, so that the refractory on the plug and seat ring is not damaged through the action of emergency close.
BLAC INC. Catalyst Plug Valve
Diverter Valves
BLAC INC. constructs two different types of flue gas diverter valves. We construct what is called a Pendulum type, and a Linear Two-Port type.
Both diverter valves function to divert flue gas flow from one inlet source (typically the regenerator flue gas) to either the boiler so the unit can make steam or go to the flue gas stack. The normal operation position for this valve is to divert the incoming flue gas to the boiler side so that steam can always be made from the hot flue gas.
The linear type of diverter is an older style of construction where when the diverter valve is in one position the valve stem is exposed to the flow of flue gas with entrained catalyst particles. The design of the pendulum type valve eliminates the exposure of the valve stem to flue gas by providing a housing outside the valve for the shaft. This eliminates the potential damage to the valve stem and provides more control of potential of the valve disc from getting stuck.
Diverter valves are large devices, so consideration for the weight of this valve must be made when installing the valve. Valves are supplied with either electric or electro-hydraulic actuator systems. Hydraulic systems or electric systems can be provided with emergency trip function on loss of power.
Large Pendulum Diverter Valve Actuator
BLAC INC. Diverter Valve Actuator
Goggle Valves
Goggle valves are devices to provide isolation generally in applications where safety is required for personnel who may be downstream of the valve in running processes.
These services can be for steel mills isolation of furnaces and in refineries where the boilers need to be isolated or bypassed.
Goggle valves come in refractory lined open ports or non-refractory lined and can be mounted in vertical (non-preferred) or horizontal (preferred) installed locations.
Access for maintenance of these valves is the primary consideration of the installation. Leak free operation from these valves can be achieved in a 5 to 7-year run time.
Refer to Goggle Valve Cylinder Replacement within our TECHNICAL REFERENCE section, or please contact BLAC INC. for further information.
New BLAC INC. Goggle Valve Cylinder (Left) versus OEM Cylinder (Right)
Fractionator Isolation Valves
The fractionator isolation valve (sometimes called the Reactor overhead line valve) is utilized to separate the reactor vessel in the FCCU from the downstream fractionator hot oil area. This valve is considered when new to be bubble tight, but with the time in service, the bubble tight functionality can be deteriorated due to the buildup of coke from the process service.
The fractionator isolation valve is generally supplied with an electric Rotork, Limitorque®, EIM™ or Auma actuator and can be locked in the open position. Normal operation is for the FCCU to have this valve open, but when needed during emergency shutdown or long term shutdown, the valve is utilized to isolate the two major areas of the FCCU from each other (the fractionator from the reactor).
BLAC INC. engineers and constructs this valve as a single disc or double disc thru conduit valve. BLAC INC. provides the valve design, manufacturing, testing, and startup functions.
We also provide a single disc design that is supplied for more competitive pricing. The single disc valve is lighter weight, has fewer flange to flange face dimensions, can handle greater line loads and provides the isolation function with the same actuation as the double disc design.
BLAC INC. Fractionator Isolation Valve with Rotork Actuator
Catalyst Loading and Withdrawal Valves
The BLAC INC. catalyst loading and withdrawal valve has a unique design. The internal design of the valve provides tight shutoff technology for these applications.
The catalyst unloading / withdrawal service is extremely difficult because when the valve is closed it is near ambient temperature.
When opened, the temperature immediately flowing is the operating temperature of the catalyst in the bottom of the regenerator. This is a severe change in temperature that takes place in seconds and results in potential damage to the valve.
Catalyst Withdrawal Valve with BLAC INC. Viper Electric Actuator
Additionally, this service has a pressure upstream at the regenerator pressure and downstream goes to vacuum at the storage hopper. The pressure drop can be so severe that some catalyst withdrawal valves only operate for two to six weeks. BLAC INC. catalyst withdrawal valves are warranted for 5 years operating service.
The BLAC INC. catalyst withdrawal valve is designed for high pressure drop, and utilizes a patent applied for design that provides tight shutoff. This eliminates hot gasses from flowing through the valve while closed. For those applications for very severe pressure drop, we provide restriction orifices and nozzles to provide a reduction of pressure drop inside the slide valve.
Restriction Orifice Valves
BLAC INC. design restriction orifice valves have unique design characteristics to provide long term reliable operation with ease of maintenance at turnaround. These valves combine the concept of several restriction orifices around the circumference of a butterfly valve disc.
Therefore, the restriction orifice valve permits the flow dynamics of a orifice plate in an orifice chamber, but combines the variable pressure drop control into the same valve as a single entity. This valve is extremely useful in keeping the process flow straight, prevents much of the turbulence seen in other types of equipment, and controls the erosion that takes place on most applications.
Spare Parts
***BLAC INC. provides equipment and parts as soon as possible.
Please note that supply chain lead times may impact delivery dates of some orders.***
As all refineries know, millions of dollars will be saved by having critical spare parts in the warehouse if there is ever a need to use them. Spare parts on the shelf are essential to reducing downtime risk.
All spare parts are shipped in metal containers as shown. This comes with an outside label for the parts inside the shipping crate. All parts are itemized for the benefit of the end user. Old spare parts coming out of the valves at TA can then be placed inside this shipping container and shipped back to BLAC INC. for refurbishment.
BLAC INC. can provide spare parts for your slide valves and provide technology to prevent damage to the parts while in service.
CONTACT US for your spare part needs.
BLAC INC. Metal Container with Valve Spare Parts
BLAC INC. Valve Parts
Valve Repair and Remanufacturing
BLAC INC. also provides refurbishment or upgrade services for slide valves from all manufacturers.
Worldwide, our team of experts solve problems unique to slide valves. We provide rapid turnaround which is essential during a scheduled shutdown.
We provide fixed costs for transportation of all parts to our shop in Houston and after repair to anywhere in the world.
If you have a valve problem during the run, we can analyze the situation and provide consulting services with repair solutions to minimize downtime.
BLAC INC. Turnaround Slide Valve Repair
BLAC INC. Valve Repair and Remanufacturing
Valve Packing Gland (Stuffing Box) Purge Control Panels
BLAC INC. offers a variety of valve packing gland purge control panels that are designed to fit your specific needs.
The most prominent of these stuffing box options is the intelligent purge control with others including manual purge control, automated purge control and automated standpipe purge tap control.
Intelligent Purge Control
The intelligent purge control system, from BlacStone Technologies, is the best solution for precise control of purge flow to the FCCU standpipe and valve stem. The purge flow must be controlled within a narrow range to be most effective.
BlacStone Technologies has developed an advanced intelligent purge control system that is integrated into the controls of slide valve electrohydraulic actuators. This system uses some of the same technology as the BLAC INC. actuator systems.
The system consists of a flow meter, a manifold block, a pressure transmitter, a control valve, an assembly bypass valve and check valve. The signals from the flow meter and pressure transmitter are transmitted to a PLC, which controls the proportioning flow control valve. The flow of the purge media is monitored and an alarm generated if the valve position or flow deviates from the set point.
The flow set point is set via the HMI with the PLC assembly, which accurately controls the flow. Alarms for high and low flows are sent back to the control room via Modbus. Purge burst intervals can be set to provide high flow to clear any blockage, usually set for every 8 hours for 10 seconds.
BLAC INC. Intelligent Purge Control
Basic Purge Control
The photo is of a purge panel manufactured by BLAC INC. for nitrogen going to the two shaft stuffing boxes on a butterfly valve.
This purge panel is passive and locally displays the flow of nitrogen with variable area flow meters (rotameters). Restriction orifices are sized to limit the maximum purge velocity.
BLAC INC. Basic Purge Control Panel
Automated Purge Control
Automatic purge control panels are also available from BLAC INC.
These panels are provided with flow control transmitter for steam, air or nitrogen (or other gases), electronic flow control valve, pressure transmitter, check valve, bypass valve and flanged piping connections.
The systems may utilize a small independent PLC, or the PLC from the actuator control system to read the flow and pressure transmitters for adjustment of the control valve to maintain proper flow. Once proper flow is achieved, the values are recorded in a memory unit for download to support TA planning purposes.
BLAC INC. will warrantee for lack of valve stem erosion if we supply this assembly to your plant application.
BLAC INC. Automated Purge Control Panel
Automated Standpipe Purge Tap Control
BLAC INC. provides the assembly for purge points on the standpipes of those FCC units that have purge point taps down the standpipe.
This purge helps the aeration of the standpipe flowing catalyst to achieve proper static head in the standpipe. Automated purge control assists in the flow of catalyst and prevents bridging and other fault conditions of catalyst flow.
BLAC INC. Standpipe Purge Control